About Us

About Us

A Global Leader in the Digital Transformation of the Construction Industry

A Global Leader in the Digital Transformation of the Construction Industry

Coming from a background of efficient shipbuilding and process-oriented offshore industries, we have developed technologies that allow whole buildings to be produced at a factory instead of a traditional construction site. 

We are industrializing, digitalizing and productizing the manufacturing of buildings. Our technology allows whole buildings to be mass-produced at a factory by assembly line operators without any need for traditional construction labour. 

We have delivered iconic offsite manufactured modular projects to challenging locations on both land and sea where on-site construction would be difficult.

A Smart Factory Mass producing Smart Buildings

A Smart Factory Mass producing Smart Buildings

Since 2015, we have developed our Smart Building technology enabling entire buildings to be manufactured at our factory. In 2018, we began cooperating with Porsche Consulting and MHP–A Porsche Comany to develop our first automated and robotized factory which will have the capacity to mass produce housing of the highest quality, speed and precision.

Read more about our Smart Factory here!

Lifecycle Digitalization

Lifecycle Digitalization

We are digitalizing the entire lifecycle of our housing by using a holistic digital twin that is connected from design and manufacturing to operation by providing a continuously enriched thread of data. Our homes are equipped with sensors that allow us to collect data and provide analytic insight into their usage. 

This allows us to continuously improve the quality of the produced homes and optimize their operational performance.

Read more about our ADAM Platform® here!
